Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Understanding The Various Benefits Of Pursuing Part Time PGDM

For most students, who have completed their undergraduate studies and want to pursue a higher education program, choosing between a full time and part time course is often the biggest dilemma. While a full time management course offers its own advantages, it requires the students to commit themselves completely to the program. However, this might not prove to be a suitable option for students who need to work or cannot make themselves available to attend regular classes due to various reasons. For such students, Part time PGDM programs prove to be the best option as they offer the following benefits. 

 Source : http://bit.ly/28LL7iY

·     Contrary to the popular belief, the part time courses are equally accredited and recognized by both the AICTE and the industry, which means that students pursuing them stand an equal chance of getting better career options just like the ones who opt for a full time course. 

·      Unlike the regular PGDM programs, the part time programs are generally spread over a longer time period. This means that the students pursuing such programs face less pressure and burden to complete the same number of credits and courses enabling them to study in a relatively relaxed manner.

·       Students can support themselves and their families by taking up a job even while they continue their higher studies. This not only keeps them free from the stress of having to repay the student loan, but also enables them to invest in resources that can enhance their learning experience without feeling financially worried.
Source : http://bit.ly/28KihdJ

     The students pursuing PGDM Part time from a renowned institute, while working in their free time, get the advantage of implementing and testing the concepts learned in the real world. They can thus benefit from their course even before completing it by improving their position within their respective organization. 

·     In many cases, students pursue a part time PGDM program with the help and support of the organization they work for. Such students can rest assured about a significant career growth within the organization after the completion of the program as the management constantly monitors their progress and motivates them to do well. This can prove extremely beneficial as candidates opting for regular programs do not get such growth opportunities without first proving their worth. 

·    Most importantly, a part time post graduate management program, enables the students to get a comprehensive view of the management concepts while helping them to gain a focused understating of the specialization stream they opt for. These courses are designed in a flexible manner to meet the needs of part time students.

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